James Bettney   Perception, Experience & Light.


An unsettling reality lurks within the Spanish province of Almeria. Across a staggering expanse of over 100,000 acres, the landscape is consumed by a sea of plastic greenhouses, an unnatural spectacle visible by naked eye from space.

These sprawling monoliths form the backbone of Europe's fruit and vegetable production. They also conceal numerous stories of exploitation and sacrifice. Amidst scorching temperatures surpassing 50 degrees Celsius, a community of predominatley North African migrants toil with relatively few protections.

Beneath this plastic canopy, lives are dedicated to cultivating sustenance for European tables, while the true cost remains obscured.

Documentary short, released November 2024, runtime 4:56, IMDb profile

Director: David Harriman, James Bettney
Production: David Harriman, Carrie Schreck
Music: Carlos Sprung
Sound Design: Tom Rouse, Ben Leeves
Colour Grading: Stefan Perry